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German police use excessive force against participants of pro-Palestine rally in Berlin

At a pro-Palestine demonstration in Berlin, Germany, police forcefully intervened with protesters. The march began at Neptunbrunnen Square and included chants of "Germany funds, Israel bombs," "Terrorist Israel," "Palestine is ours," and "Freedom for Palestine."

Agencies and A News WORLD
Published July 20,2024

In a pro-Palestine rally held in Berlin, Germany, police intervened harshly against demonstrators.

During the march, which started at Neptunbrunnen Square, protesters chanted slogans such as "Germany funds, Israel bombs," "Terrorist Israel," "Palestine is ours," and "Freedom for Palestine."

Tensions escalated at Potsdamer Platz, the march's endpoint, when three counter-protesters displayed an Israeli flag.

In response, the police forcefully intervened in the pro-Palestine rally and detained numerous individuals.

The police's use of disproportionate force during the detentions was notable, with two female demonstrators getting injured during the heavy-handed intervention.

The police also prevented the medical team from providing aid to the injured women, instead placing the injured directly into a police vehicle.