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Ankara submits bid to join BRICS group - AK Party spokesman

"Our president has stated at various times that we want to be a member (of BRICS)... Our request on this issue is clear. This process is underway in this framework, but there is no concrete development on this," Ömer Çelik, the spokesperson of the ruling AK Party -- told reporters in Ankara. "If there is a concrete development - a decision or evaluation by BRICS on membership - we will share that with you," he said when asked about media reports on the issue.

Agencies and A News WORLD
Published September 03,2024
Türkiye has submitted its request to join the BRICS group of major emerging economies, a ruling party spokesperson said on Tuesday.

"Our request in this matter is clear, a process is under way," Ömer Çelik, spokesman for the ruling Justice and Development [AK] Party , told reporters in Ankara.

Çelik did not provide further details as to when Türkiye submitted an application. The public would be informed as soon as there are results on the outcome, he said.

There was no immediate comment from BRICS states, which include Russia, Brazil, India, China and South Africa. Iran has also been a member since January.

The group of large emerging countries is dominated by Russia and China. It will next meet in October in Kazan, Russia.

If confirmed, Türkiye would be the first NATO country to join the group.

The aim of the alliance is to counterbalance the geopolitical and economic dominance of the West. The BRICS countries also want to reduce their dependence on the US dollar as the global reserve currency.

The BRICS countries so far account for 42% of the world's population, 30% of the global land area and 24% of global economic output, according to BRICS information.