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Erdoğan: Lebanese people are the latest target of Israel's genocide and occupation policy

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan condemned on Saturday Israel's recent military actions in Lebanon. "Israel's policy of genocide, occupation, and invasion, which has been ongoing since Oct. 7, now targets Lebanon and the Lebanese people," Erdoğan said on X.

Agencies and A News WORLD
Published September 28,2024

Calling for global action against the Zionist Netanyahu government's genocide and occupation policy in the Mideast region, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said on Saturday that Israel was committing another "genocide" in Lebanon.

"Lebanon and the Lebanese people are the latest target of a policy of genocide, occupation and invasion carried out by Israel since October 7," Erdoğan wrote on X.

He expressed deep concern over the loss of Lebanese lives, including children, in what he described as "brutal attacks."

Erdoğan criticized the international community for enabling Israel's actions, saying that as Tel Aviv continues to receive "weapons and ammunition support from its backers," it becomes "increasingly reckless, defying all humanity, humanitarian values, and international law."

He stressed that Israel's "politics of madness," already seen in Gaza and Ramallah, must not be allowed to spread to Lebanon and other countries in the region.

"No person of conscience can accept, justify, or deem such a massacre legitimate," he said.

The Turkish president called on global organizations, particularly the UN Security Council and human rights groups, to take swift action in response to Israel's aggression.

He also urged the Islamic world to adopt a "firmer stance" against these attacks.

Reaffirming Türkiye's support, Erdoğan said the country "will continue to stand with the Lebanese people and government during these difficult times."

He offered condolences to those affected, condemning Israel's "inhumane attacks" and wishing a speedy recovery to the injured.