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Dutch far-right leader seeks to legitimize Israel's genocide with anti-Islamism

Anadolu Agency WORLD
Published October 03,2024
PVV leader Geert Wilders (AFP File Photo)

Dutch far-right leader Geert Wilders openly supported Israel's actions in the Middle East on Thursday, attempting to justify the conflict by framing it as a fight against "evil" forces threatening Israel.

In an article for the media outlet Breitbart, Wilders argued that European patriots should back Israel's war efforts while he condemned Islam and its followers.

Wilders, the leader of the Party for Freedom (PVV), the largest party in the Netherlands and the Dutch government coalition, claimed that the war Israel is waging against Hamas and Hezbollah is not just but "inevitable."

"Neutrality in the face of evil is evil," he stressed.

"What happened one year ago was a wake-up call for Israel, but it was also a wake-up call for us, reminding us of the deep hatred of Muhammed, the founder of Islam, towards the Jews," he said, portraying Islam as a direct threat to Jewish existence, and referring to Quranic verses and Hadiths (traditions of Prophet Muhammad) to paint the religion in a negative light.

Wilders drew historical parallels, referencing Jewish suffering and the creation of Israel, to justify the violent measures Israel is undertaking.

The article also highlighted his demand for European nations to follow Tel Aviv's example of nationalism.

"Israel is hated by the left for the same reason that European patriots should support it: Because it shows us how vital it is for a people to have its own nation-state with strong and guarded borders," he wrote.

His controversial stance, laden with anti-Islamic rhetoric, is seen by many as an attempt to frame the conflict in religious and nationalist terms.

Wilders, a far-right politician known for his anti-Islam stance, previously made repeated statements denying the rights of Palestinians, particularly their right to an independent and sovereign state, suggesting the issue could be resolved at Jordan's expense.