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Dhikr: A divine gift that keeps Muslims spiritually alive and purifies the heart

Dhikr, which is to remember Allah the Almighty, is an act that keeps a person alive, a divine gift that cleanses the tongue.

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"O you who have believed, when you encounter a company [from the enemy forces], stand firm and remember Allah much that you may be successful." (Quran, Surah Al-Anfal, 8:45) Interpretation of Surah Al-Anfal, Verse 45: The victory at the Battle of Badr was achieved with the extraordinary help of Allah; because the defeat of the Muslims in this first battle would have meant the eradication of Islam from history. The success and victories of the believers could not continue with such miraculous help. They had to act according to the Divine rules and laws; that is, they had to act according to the objective, universally valid way and method of success. The golden rules of success, which address all believers, are listed in the following verse, which will come in the future, in verse 60, as follows: Perseverance and steadfastness in action, constantly remembering Allah and never forgetting Him, obeying Allah and His Messenger, maintaining unity and solidarity, acquiring deterrent power against the enemy, being prepared and patient as much as success requires.