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What is the most optimal way to fruitfully spend the Holy Three Months?

The long-awaited and sacred Three Months have finally arrived, bringing with them an abundance of mercy and blessings. As followers of Islam, we must devote ourselves to prayers, fasting, charity, almsgiving, and other voluntary acts of worship during this special time which covers the months of Rajab, Sha'ban, and Ramadan. So, how can we spend the Three Months in the best possible way?

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These verses emphasize the impossibility of returning after death and represent the despair, depletion, and regret of disbelievers who realize the futility of their desires, especially when facing the consequences of their actions. The Three Months, a period of spiritual purification, a return of the servant to his Lord, and a season of forgiveness, serve as an invitation to humanity to turn towards the Truth amidst the hustle and bustle of life.