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What to know about Mi'raj that is the night of mercy and peace

We experience the night of Mi'raj as an occasion for divine mercy and peace in our sorrowful hearts. Allah the Almighty comforted the Prophet Muhammad (saw) with the incident of Mi'raj in a very difficult period of his life that is known as the Year of Sorrow. Allah (swt) made the Prophet Muhammad, who is mercy to the world, a witness to His (swt) Oneness, Exaltedness, and Infiniteness.

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What to know about Miraj that is the night of mercy and peace

We had a great disaster last week. Our hearts are broken into pieces with the pain of every soul we lost. Words cannot express the pain we feel.

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What to know about Miraj that is the night of mercy and peace

Alhamdulillah, we are united as one soul in this trying time, as we were in the past. It is praiseworthy that besides our noble-hearted nation, many countries have mobilized their material and spiritual possibilities since the earthquake by showing sensitivity.

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What to know about Miraj that is the night of mercy and peace

We believe that there is no obstacle we cannot overcome as long as we have the same faith and spirit. As long as our hearts beat as one, there is no difficulty we cannot overcome with the help and grace of Allah. As long as we act in unity and solidarity, there is no wound we cannot heal and no pain we cannot relieve.

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What to know about Miraj that is the night of mercy and peace

We experience the night of Mi'raj as an occasion for divine mercy and peace in our sorrowful hearts. Allah the Almighty comforted the Prophet Muhammad (saw) with the incident of Mi'raj in a very difficult period of his life that is known as the Year of Sorrow. Allah (swt) made the Prophet Muhammad, who is mercy to the world, a witness to His (swt) Oneness, Exaltedness, and Infiniteness.

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What to know about Miraj that is the night of mercy and peace

This blessed journey is explained in the Holy Qur'an as follows: "Glory be to the One Who took His servant ˹Muhammad˺ by night from the Sacred Mosque to the Farthest Mosque whose surroundings We have blessed, so that We may show him some of Our signs. Indeed, He alone is the All-Hearing, All-Seeing." [Isra, 17/1]

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What to know about Miraj that is the night of mercy and peace

On this blessed night, let us open our hands to the sky, our tongues to prayer, and our hearts to our Lord, and say: رَبِّ اِنّ۪ي لِمَٓا اَنْزَلْتَ اِلَيَّ مِنْ خَيْرٍ فَق۪يرٌ "O Lord! We are truly in ˹desperate˺ need of whatever provision You may have in store for us." [Qasas, 28/24]

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What to know about Miraj that is the night of mercy and peace

"O Lord! Uplift our heart for us, and make our task easy." [Ta-Ha, 20/25-26]

"O Lord! Forgive and have mercy, for You are the best of those who show mercy." [Mu'minun, 23/118]

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What to know about Miraj that is the night of mercy and peace

On this blessed night when mercy and forgiveness surround us, we should not be contented with praying only. We should add our actual prayers to our verbal prayers. We should all try to be with those who lost their loved ones, and help those who are in need.

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What to know about Miraj that is the night of mercy and peace

We should take care of the people in need, and embrace our orphaned children. We should do our best to relieve the suffering of our brothers and sisters as much as we can.

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What to know about Miraj that is the night of mercy and peace

It is the time to imprint the following hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) in our minds and hearts: "Allah helps the servant as long as he helps his brother." [Abu Dawud, Adab, 60]

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What to know about Miraj that is the night of mercy and peace

I would like to conclude my khutbah by wishing the mercy of Allah the Almighty on our brothers and sisters who have passed away, speedy recovery to the wounded, and strength to our beloved nation. May Allah protect us from all kinds of disasters.

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What to know about Miraj that is the night of mercy and peace

Have a blessed night of Mi'raj!

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What to know about Miraj that is the night of mercy and peace