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World Muslims to flock to mosques to observe bara’at night

The Islamic world observes the Night of Barat, marking the 15th night of Sha'ban, with repentance and seeking forgiveness. It symbolizes cleansing from sins and divine mercy. The Presidency of Religious Affairs organizes mosque programs nationwide for this occasion. It's recommended to spend the night in worship and fast during the day.

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World Muslims to flock to mosques to observe bara’at night

The Islamic world will observe the Night of Barat tonight. On this blessed night heralding the Sultan of the eleven months, Ramadan, Muslims will repent and seek forgiveness.

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World Muslims to flock to mosques to observe bara’at night

The Presidency of Religious Affairs will organize programs in mosques nationwide in conjunction with this holy night.

It's a night when the doors of mercy are wide open, and those who seek are not turned away. It's the harbinger of the Ramadan month, the Night of Barat.

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World Muslims to flock to mosques to observe bara’at night

The Night of Barat falls on the 15th night of Sha'ban, the second of the three months that began on January 12th.

"Barat," a shortened form of the word "beraet," signifies cleansing from sins, purification, attaining divine forgiveness, and mercy in Islamic belief.

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World Muslims to flock to mosques to observe bara’at night

Additionally, in the second year of Hijra, on the 15th day of Sha'ban, an ayah was revealed concerning the change of the Qibla direction from Masjid al-Aqsa to Masjid al-Haram while Prophet Muhammad was offering the second rakat of the Zuhr prayer in the mosque of Bani Salim, a town he visited.

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World Muslims to flock to mosques to observe bara’at night

The event, symbolizing unity as Prophet Muhammad and the congregation turned their direction towards the Kaaba, is one of the main reasons that make the Night of Barat significant.

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World Muslims to flock to mosques to observe bara’at night


Muslims are advised to spend this sacred night in worship.

The Presidency of Religious Affairs will organize programs in mosques nationwide in conjunction with the Night of Barat.

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World Muslims to flock to mosques to observe bara’at night

It is reported that Prophet Muhammad said the following regarding the Night of Barat:

"Spend the night of the 15th day of Sha'ban in worship, and fast during its day. For Allah, the Most High, manifests His mercy to the world's sky on this night and says, 'Is there anyone seeking forgiveness, so that I may forgive them? Is there anyone seeking provision, so that I may provide for them? Is there anyone seeking cure, so that I may cure them? Is there anyone with any other need, so that I may fulfill it?'"

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World Muslims to flock to mosques to observe bara’at night