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Analysis of the film ‘Pocket Hercules: Naim Süleymanoğlu’

The film "Pocket Hercules: Naim Süleymanoğlu" tells the life story of the legendary weightlifter Naim Süleymanoğlu, who left a mark on both Turkish and global sports history. The production also sheds light on the historical context of the era, revealing the oppression faced by the Turkish minority in Bulgaria under communist rule.

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Naim's experience of kindness in Bulgaria is shattered on December 26, 1984, during the "Dark Night," when a campaign called the "Operation Return to Roots" is launched against the Turkish minority. This assimilation campaign bans Turkish language classes in schools, closes mosques, halts Turkish-language newspapers, and prohibits speaking Turkish in public spaces. Due to the racist mindset of the communist regime, Turks in Mestanlı are beaten and humiliated by soldiers. Under the guise of "National Liberation," Turks are brutally murdered. Naim's family, who happen to be at the Sofia Sports Hotel at the time, becomes one of the many affected by this violent operation.