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Analysis of the film ‘Pocket Hercules: Naim Süleymanoğlu’

The film "Pocket Hercules: Naim Süleymanoğlu" tells the life story of the legendary weightlifter Naim Süleymanoğlu, who left a mark on both Turkish and global sports history. The production also sheds light on the historical context of the era, revealing the oppression faced by the Turkish minority in Bulgaria under communist rule.

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Bulgaria turns physical oppression into psychological warfare by forcing people to change their names. They present a list of names and suggest that individuals choose from it, all while falsely claiming that this is not mandatory. Naim's father is compelled to change his name to a Bulgarian one, while his mother's name becomes Anastasia Mıhailova Severinova. The extent of Bulgaria's hatred is so severe that even the names on the gravestones of the deceased are altered.