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Filled with WWII mines, French island becomes center of day-trippers

Cezembre opened to visits only in 2018, over seven decades after the end of World War II, after extensive demining efforts allowed the opening of a marked path for visitors. However, the area safe for visitors makes up just three percent of the island, which experts say was the most bombed area of all of World War II in terms of the number of hits per square metre.

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Because of the focus on restoring wildlife, the trail was partially closed in April "to maximise the chances of success and the flight of peregrine falcon chicks," said local conservation activist Manon Simonneau. Some walkers say they hope the trail will be lengthened to allow a complete tour of the island, but according to the Conservatoire there is little chance of this -- the cost of further demining would be astronomical, so it is now birds and nature that are the masters of Cezembre.