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Here are major astronomical events of December 2022

The last full moon of 2022, which will take place on December 8, is known as the "long night moon" or "cold moon", a name that comes from the Mohawk Indians, an indigenous people of North America. However, this is only one of the particularities of the month of December 2022 at an astronomical level, as there are many more.

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DAY 13 AND 14: GEMINID METEOR SHOWER Geminid meteors are slow-moving and can be observed during most of December. Its most active peak, however, is the night of December 13 and the morning of December 14, with a rate of 120-160 meteors/hour under optimal conditions. This rate makes it the most active rain of the year along with the quadrantids, a phenomenon that takes place during the first days of January.