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Here are major astronomical events of December 2022

The last full moon of 2022, which will take place on December 8, is known as the "long night moon" or "cold moon", a name that comes from the Mohawk Indians, an indigenous people of North America. However, this is only one of the particularities of the month of December 2022 at an astronomical level, as there are many more.

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DAY 21: MERCURY AT ITS MAXIMUM EASTERN ELONGATION Mercury is one of the most difficult planets to observe with the naked eye without the use of telescopes, but on this day it can be seen as a small point of yellowish light just by looking at the sky, as it reaches its greatest eastern elongation of 20.1 degrees from the Sun. This is the best time to view Mercury because it will be at its highest point above the horizon in the evening sky. To see it, you have to look for it in the western sky just after sunset.