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Oldest DNA on record - 2 million years - reveals Greenland's lost world

Researchers said on Wednesday fragments of DNA were detected for a panoply of animals including mastodons, reindeer, hares, lemmings and geese as well as plants including poplar, birch and thuja trees and microorganisms including bacteria and fungi. DNA is the self-replicating material carrying genetic information in living organisms - sort of a blueprint of life.

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"You cannot use them for cloning," Willerslev said of the DNA remnants, "but you may use it to genetically modify living organisms such as plants to become more adapted to a warmer climate." The oldest previous DNA on record was extracted from the molar of a mammoth, another elephant relative, in northeastern Siberia dating to up to 1.2 million years ago, also preserved in permafrost conditions. By way of comparison, our species, Homo sapiens, arose roughly 300,000 years ago.