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Oldest DNA on record - 2 million years - reveals Greenland's lost world

Researchers said on Wednesday fragments of DNA were detected for a panoply of animals including mastodons, reindeer, hares, lemmings and geese as well as plants including poplar, birch and thuja trees and microorganisms including bacteria and fungi. DNA is the self-replicating material carrying genetic information in living organisms - sort of a blueprint of life.

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The presence of marine species including horseshoe crab and green algae, also among the DNA detected, illustrated that warmer climate, the researchers said. The DNA has revealed this ancient ecosystem in detail, with an open boreal forest featuring trees, shrubs and smaller plants and teeming with animals. It did not identify which large predators were present but these may have included wolves, bears and saber-toothed cats, according to study co-author Mikkel Pedersen of the University of Copenhagen.