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Place and importance of charity in Islam | Islam advises Muslims to protect the poor and the needy

The religion of Islam advises us to protect the poor and the needy. It encourages its followers to help others and share the means they have with others. Allah commands in the Qur'an on this issue: "For those who have believed among you and spent (for the sake of Allah), there will be a great reward." [Hadid, 57: 7]

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Almsgiving and charity purify people from bad attributes such as stinginess, jealousy and selfishness. Almsgiving and charity help them to become accustomed to generosity. The Prophet speaks about generous people as follows: "Generosity is close to Allah, close to paradise, close to people, but far from hell…" [Tirmidhi, Birr wa Sila, 40] Moreover, almsgiving and charity purify the property of the rich, because the poor and needy have a right over the property of rich. Regarding this issue, Allah commands the following: "Take from their wealth charity (almsgiving) by which you purify and cleanse them…" [Tawbah, 9:103]