He was the protector of equal rights of women; he removed the husband's 'ownership' of the wife. He established women's right to own property as well as their right to inheritance. He defended women's right to choose or refuse a man for marriage. He became a protector of orphans;he established proper treatment for them. He forbade the misuse of the inheritance of the orphan, ensuring that they would receive what was rightfully theirs when they reach the age. A common saying of his was,'The best home is a home in which an orphan is well treated, and the worst home is a home in which an orphan is mistreated.' He was an environmentalist. For example, it was his practice to assign a man from among his companions to collect all of the trash at camping sights when they were journeying. He forbade the overloading of any animals. He recommended merciful treatment for all animals He taught his followers to love and respect the nature around them and instructed his followers to plant trees even on the Doomsday. He forbade the destruction of nature, especially trees, even during times of war. He was concerned with social health. He helped eliminate the use of alcohol, intoxicants, slavery, and.