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The enduring legacy of Ancient Roman inventions and innovations

The ingenuity of the ancient Romans continues to shape modern life, with their inventions and innovations leaving a lasting impact even after thousands of years. Science magazine highlights that the Romans, who once ruled over vast territories spanning Europe, Western Asia, North Africa, and the Mediterranean, held immense power and influence in the ancient world.

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According to Nature magazine, the Romans were masters of early environmental engineering, using water and knowledge of physics to produce energy, for example, in mills. According to Agronomic Crops journal, they maximized crop yields on farms by using crop rotations and the 'food, feed, fallow' system. However, not every ancient innovation can be attributed solely to the Romans. For example, according to the Journal for the History of Astronomy, the first calendar was not a Roman invention, but the widespread use of the Julian calendar by the Romans taught the world a way to track time that was adopted by a large majority.