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What to know about Islam that is the last of the three Abrahamic

This content aims to help you get main information about Islam, what and how Muslims believe. Six pillars of faith, namely belief in Allah, prophets, books, angels, the Hereafter and qada/qadar, and five pillars of Islam, namely kalimat al-shahadah, prayer, fasting, almsgiving, and pilgrimage are explained as well as the concepts of salvation in Islam, mosque, prayer and adhan.

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3. The Prophets: With the belief that Allah sent His messengers and prophets to all people, Muslims faithfully accept Biblical prophets, also mentioned in the Qur'an, including Adam, Ishmael, Isaac, Moses, David, and Jesus (peace be upon them all). All prophets were human beings like us who, as chosen examples for their people, committed no grave sin. Muslims accept Jesus as a prophet, believe in his virgin birth, and pay utmost respect to him. His name (Isa) is mentioned in the Qur'an almost a hundred times.