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'Zero Waste' : Türkiye's path to sustainability

With global recycling efforts on the rise, Türkiye's "Zero Waste" initiative aims to make significant impact by collecting 45.5 million tons of recyclable waste. Türkiye joined 91 countries to enforce plastic bag bans, as well as implementing a Deposit Management System to further boost sustainability.

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According to a United Nations report and Statista, 91 countries and regions have imposed bans or restrictions on plastic bags. Africa, in particular, has been at the forefront of these bans, largely due to the absence of a strong plastic industry lobby. Countries which do not have fully-established plastic waste management systems are more inclined to completely ban certain types of plastic bags. Meanwhile, European countries tend to implement measures such as charging fees or taxes to limit plastic bag usage. These measures are commonly taken in many countries outside Europe as well.