Human beings, who dream of discovering immortality, have managed to at least come close to imitating it, thanks to artificial intelligence. The scientific world is talking about the possibility of transferring human consciousness to a computer in the near future. So how will this happen? In order to bring our lost loved ones back to life 'digitally', it will be necessary to upload the person's voice and images to the computer. After a while, character analysis will be made based on these sounds and images. Thus, the person you love (think of it as your loved one's avatar) will, in a sense, be transferred to the computer environment. People will be able to chat with their deceased relatives. Artists who are no longer among us will even be able to dub their own films. An expert said: 'Copying, storing and using an individual's voice and image without their consent is not legal. On the other hand, even if the individual has consent on this issue, only his or her heir can evaluate these personal data after death.''