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Kamikaze drone AZAT ready for duty

The FPV kamikaze drone AZAT, developed within the Turkish defense industry and now entering serial production, was showcased in field tests to delegations from four countries.

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Cogen stated that AZAT has become a ready and quickly adaptable product within the FPV concept, adding: "The battery, ammunition, design, mechanical design, electronic boards, and the software running on them are all developed by our engineers. All electronic system components, hardware, flight, and destruction software of AZAT have been localized. Many technological subcomponents, from the developed flight control board to the video communication board and the specially designed destruction module for safety, have been produced domestically. AZAT aims to achieve commercial success as a concept produced in our country and exported worldwide, without relying on imported products. An 80% local content rate is significant for such a product. The only non-local components are the reusable remote control and goggles, which we plan to fully localize in the coming years. Compared to its competitors, this concept product is designed for the battlefield and will be diversified for swarm drones and various target types in the future. Operating under jamming conditions is an important capability, and AZAT has also proven its operational capabilities in this regard."