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Turkish-made Akıncı UAV's search for Raisi's crashed helicopter makes significant headlines globally

The Akıncı UAV, sent by Türkiye to assist in the aftermath of the helicopter accident involving President Ebrahim Raisi and other senior Iranian officials, has garnered major international attention through its search efforts. The footage obtained by the UAV during these operations gained widespread viewership and circulation.

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European Media Corriere della Sera (Italy): Posted the UAV footage on social media, emphasizing how it allowed rescue teams to locate the helicopter. EPT News (Greece): Featured AA's footage with the headline, "Video over the wreckage from a Turkish drone," detailing Turkey's support with 32 rescue personnel and advanced equipment. Tages-Anzeiger (Switzerland): Reported on the UAV's operation under difficult weather conditions in Iranian airspace. NOS (Netherlands): Noted that the Turkish drone successfully located the helicopter using thermal imaging at midnight. British Media Reuters: Referenced AA's post on X, stating, "A Turkish drone identified a suspected heat source of the helicopter wreckage and shared the coordinates with Iranian authorities." Sky News: Featured the Akıncı UAV footage shared by Anadolu English. The Guardian: Provided live updates on Raisi's search operations, including AA's footage. Daily Mail: Reported on the crash with a detailed analysis of the drone footage. BBC: Shared the UAV's flight path over the rough terrain in Iran, highlighting the thermal detection. The Telegraph: Showcased images from Akıncı, illustrating the challenging mountainous conditions faced by rescue teams.