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Boat tours organized on Lake Beyşehir

Interest in the boat tours organized for the water lilies, which attract visitors with their beauty on the shallow shores of Lake Beyşehir, has increased.

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Erdoğan, explaining that water lilies bloom in areas with a shallow depth of 1.5 meters, stated: "We make a living through fishing. Last year, we started our first activities. After returning from fishing with fishing boats, we would bring our guests here for promotional purposes. We noticed that the interest had increased. This place has now become one of the attractive and natural locations of Beyşehir. We acquired excursion boats. We established the Water Lily Tourism Cooperative with the locals here. We started taking our guests on tours. This place also hosts wedding photoshoots, photography, and documentary productions. This garden provides beautiful visuals. The beauty increases in may, june, and july when the white flowers bloom. Visitors come from nearby and surrounding cities. We have also welcomed guests from Israel, Germany, and Russia. They were amazed by this place."