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80th anniversary of Ahıska Turk exile: A legacy of suffering and resilience

The 80th anniversary of the Ahıska Turk exile recalls the forced deportation of 86,000 Turks from their homeland on November 14, 1944, under Stalin's orders, a journey marked by hunger, disease, and death. Despite suffering in remote regions like Central Asia, many Ahıska Turks still long for their homeland, and Türkiye continues to support their rights, including citizenship.

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86,000 TURKS SENT INTO EXILE A total of 86,000 Turks were deported from Ahıska to various regions of Central Asia. The journey, in overcrowded wagons, lasted more than a month. During this time, nearly 17,000 Ahıska Turks died from hunger, cold, and disease. Another 30,000 Ahıska Turks perished in the areas where they were left. The surviving Ahıska Turks were dropped in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan. Due to hunger, epidemics, and infectious diseases, another 30,000 Ahıska Turks lost their lives in various parts of Central Asia.