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Are Türkiye’s dormant volcanoes awakening?

The detection of an eruption risk in the magma chamber in Manisa's Kula region has shifted attention to Türkiye's volcanoes. While the country's volcanoes have been dormant for hundreds of years, there is growing curiosity about whether they might become active again one day.

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Prof. Dr. Ersoy points out that not all volcanoes have the same characteristics. He explains, "When we think of a volcano, we often imagine a mountain with lava erupting from its crater. However, not all volcanoes erupt in this manner. Some volcanoes don't erupt violently; instead, lava flows from the crater on a wide mountain. Depending on the amount of gas inside, they might erupt with force, but if not, they simply flow. Volcanoes can also emerge slowly from cracks in the Earth's crust, which are sometimes almost invisible, like in Türkiye."