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Commemorating Osman Ghazi on the 698th anniversary of his death

Osman Ghazi, a just and courageous leader who founded the Ottoman Empire that ruled for centuries on three continents, is being commemorated on the 698th anniversary of his death.

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Commemorating Osman Ghazi on the 698th anniversary of his death
Karataş mentioned that Osman Ghazi conquered areas around Eskişehir, Domaniç, İnegöl, and Yenişehir, and although he desired to conquer and have already besieged Bursa, he passed away before witnessing its conquest. Professor Karataş also talked about Osman Ghazi's childhood, saying, "He observed the rulers, attended meetings, and participated in sports activities and hunts with the Alps. He grew up as a very active young man." Karataş highlighted that Osman Ghazi stood out among his siblings with his personality traits and had the leadership skills necessary to manage society, guide it, and maintain previous conquests.