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Commemorating Osman Ghazi on the 698th anniversary of his death

Osman Ghazi, a just and courageous leader who founded the Ottoman Empire that ruled for centuries on three continents, is being commemorated on the 698th anniversary of his death.

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Commemorating Osman Ghazi on the 698th anniversary of his death
Karataş said, "According to sources like Neşri and Aşıkpaşazade, Osman Ghazi was very generous. He would prepare meals and give them to his people on certain days, protecting the poor." "It is said that after becoming the Sultan, a market was established in the Eskişehir region. A Christian vendor from that area brought cups carved from wood to sell. A Muslim man acquired these cups but did not pay. The Christian vendor complained to Osman Ghazi, who then punished the Muslim and ensured the security of the environment."