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Gezeravcı addresses students: ‘’I haven’t encountered any aliens yet’’

The first astronaut of Türkiye, Alper Gezeravcı, answered the questions of children from Diyarbakır about space.

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Gezeravcı gave the following answer to a question about how to become an astronaut: "The tasks we undertake today are the most evident signs of the professions you can pursue in the future. In our homeland, in our country, this path is now open. Have no worries. To become an astronaut, focus on your present. Consider the current period you are going through as steps of a staircase. If you have set your goal to become an astronaut, your current lessons in school are very important. School is a step of the staircase. Therefore, everything your teachers are showing you right now is valuable and significant. If you work well in your current class today, obstacles will be removed from your path in the future."