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Gezeravcı addresses students: ‘’I haven’t encountered any aliens yet’’

The first astronaut of Türkiye, Alper Gezeravcı, answered the questions of children from Diyarbakır about space.

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Q: Can you see the Sun? Gezeravcı: We can see the Sun, but looking at it with the naked eye is quite challenging. The Sun's rays are very intense on the ISS. Earth has a beautiful atmosphere that acts like our protective clothing, blocking many harmful rays when the Sun passes through it. This allows us to receive a more sheltered daylight. Even the reflection of sunlight inside the ISS can be very strong. When we see the Sun, the heating in that area becomes intense accordingly. On the other hand, when we move to the other side of the Earth, blocking the Sun, it becomes very dark and cold. The exterior of the station becomes very hot when exposed to sunlight and very cold when in shadow, but the interior remains at a constant temperature like a house.