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Istanbul's dams raise concerns

The water level in the dams supplying Istanbul has decreased by 1.88% in the last week, measured at 36.95%.

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Özdemir pointed out that the water level in the dams had dropped below 37%, and he continued, "Our water has significantly decreased. If we do not receive rainfall for the next 2 months, we won't have a chance to use the remaining water in the dams. Istanbul's population is around 20 million, and there are approximately 5 million vehicles. When we look at the amount of water they consume, unfortunately, it is alarming. The water level in Alibey Dam has receded, and sheep are grazing there. There is no rain forecast for August. We are hoping for rainy weather in September, October, and November." Özdemir emphasized the importance of water conservation, saying, "We need to stop watering our lawns for extended periods, and we should avoid using irrigation in agriculture excessively. Housewives should not run their dishwashers and washing machines unless they are fully loaded. All taps at home should be sensor-operated. We need to practice water conservation in all areas."