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Istanbul's dams raise concerns

The water level in the dams supplying Istanbul has decreased by 1.88% in the last week, measured at 36.95%.

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As of today, the water occupancy rate in Elmalı Dam has also dropped to 28.08%, which is the lowest level in the past 6 years, compared to 60.8% on August 1st last year. In Istrancalar, the water occupancy rate, which was 34.65% last year, is now recorded as 34.18%. The water occupancy rate in Kazandere Dam, which was measured as 77.13% on August 1st, 2022, has now decreased to 7.69%. Regarding Ömerli Dam, the water occupancy rate is recorded as 70.05% as of today, while it was 67.64% during the same period last year.