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Istanbul's dams raise concerns

The water level in the dams supplying Istanbul has decreased by 1.88% in the last week, measured at 36.95%.

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Istanbul Aydın University Assistant Professor and meteorological engineer Güven Özdemir stated that there was an extreme water shortage in the dams that supply water to Istanbul. Özdemir also mentioned that around this time last year, there was water around the arches of the dams and further areas. However, now these areas were dried up, and there were sheep grazing in those places. He said, "May, June, and July passed without rain. As the temperatures continued to stay high, like those in Africa, and with no rainfall, our dams have started to raise concerns." Özdemir explained that the decrease in water levels also contributed to evaporation. "Due to the low water level, evaporation is happening more rapidly. Additionally, in the coming days, we will have Eyyam-ı Bahur heatwaves. These heatwaves will further reduce the water level in the dams, leading to increased usage and evaporation," he added.