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Mergabutan Plateau known as Turkey’s Alps in great demand by local and foreign tourists

Mergabutan Plateau known as Turkey's Alps has been transformed into a ski resort that has become a favorite of both local and foreign tourists.

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A national ski athlete, Zana Öztunç, drew attention to her own success story. "Despite the great difficulties in Hakkari, we played this sport, and now the best players of the national team are from Yüksekova [District]," Öztunç said. "If I hadn't done this sport, I really wouldn't have been able to leave Hakkari. Thanks to this sport, I've traveled to 42 countries. I'm an athlete," she added. Another national athlete, Orhan Ören, said the heavy snow that fell in the region was a torment for the people in the past. "Now it has become a lot of pleasure from the torment. Thanks to this facility, people have started to like winter and snow," he added.