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Retired air traffic controller inspires with model airplane workshop

In Eskişehir, Türkiye, retired air traffic controller Selim Nohutçu is sharing his lifelong passion for aviation through his model airplane workshop. After retiring from the Turkish Air Force, Nohutçu now mentors others in building and flying model aircraft, fostering a love for aviation in the next generation.

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Nohutçu welcomes everyone to his workshop, stating that people of all ages can build their model airplanes there. He crafts his models from a lightweight wood called balsa and assembles them using fiberglass, carbon, and various adhesives. Nohutçu also uses a 3D printer to create various model airplanes, including designs like the National Combat Aircraft KAAN and Bayraktar TB2. He noted that there is significant interest in the models of domestic aircraft, both from collectors and those looking for gifts.