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Turkey partially restores 670-year-old Imera Monastery

Partial restoration of the Imera Monastery in Turkey's Black Sea region has been completed.

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Turkey partially restores 670-year-old Imera Monastery

Partial restoration of the Imera Monastery in Turkey's Black Sea region has been completed.

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Turkey partially restores 670-year-old Imera Monastery

Located in the Olucak village of Gümüşhane province, the gothic-style Christian-Orthodox monastery is among the most important religious structures of the Eastern Black Sea region.

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Turkey partially restores 670-year-old Imera Monastery

It has striking features including its eastern entrance and unique lighting techniques. As part of the restoration project, the roof of the 670-year-old monastery, missing stones and a damaged column inside were repaired.

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Turkey partially restores 670-year-old Imera Monastery

Gümüşhane governor Kamuran Taşbilek told Anadolu Agency on Tuesday that the monastery has been partially restored, and can be visited by the public.

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Turkey partially restores 670-year-old Imera Monastery

Hamdi Nas, the head of the Olucak village, said the monastery is an important landmark.

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Turkey partially restores 670-year-old Imera Monastery

"Many people come to see the monastery... people who migrated from here are coming to our village from Greece and Belgium to see the places where their ancestors lived," he said.

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Turkey partially restores 670-year-old Imera Monastery

Underlining the region's tourism potential, Nas hoped full restoration work would end soon.