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Turks look to history and foresee rebirth of ancient Antakya from earthquake ruins

''The rubble in this area is not only made up of concrete piles, rocks and roof tiles - the culture of Hatay lies underneath. What we learn from our elders is that Hatay witnessed seven earthquakes in its history but it was reborn from its ashes. We believe that Hatay will be reborn from its ashes again,'' Abdurrahman Kurdo -- a business student and the manager of a hotel near the destroyed Antioch Greek Orthodox Church -- said in a statement.

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On the opposite bank of the Orontes River, in the old town once popular with tourists, mosques and churches lie ruined. Rescue efforts in the area, populated with businesses rather than homes, were sparse, while security forces kept guard against looters at every corner. Abdurrahman Kurdo, a business student and the manager of a hotel near the destroyed Antioch Greek Orthodox Church, was sifting through the rubble to salvage what he could of Antakya's culture. So far he had found an issue of Hatay Magazine, celebrating life in Türkiye's southernmost province, from the 1970s.