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10 Gifts that Shaped Europe | Andalusian Muslims' Contributions to European Civilization

During the Middle Ages, while Europe experienced a period of darkness, a contrasting vibrancy thrived in Muslim lands. Andalusia, under Islamic rule, stood far ahead of its European counterparts in terms of civilization. The Muslims of Andalusia played a pivotal role in imparting valuable knowledge to Europe, introducing the continent to a spectrum of civilized advancements and ideas.

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In the 19th century, as large European cities grappled with shortages in water and lighting, the streets of Andalusia were already illuminated, and water distribution to houses was well-established. Muslims played a pivotal role in introducing fundamental urban concepts to major European cities during earlier periods. They contributed to the establishment of advanced systems such as waterways, sewage systems, and lighting. This infusion of knowledge and infrastructure from Andalusian Muslims significantly influenced the development and improvement of basic urban amenities in Europe.