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An ancient "urban sales agreement" from 3,800 years ago discovered at Aççana Höyük

At the Aççana Höyük in Hatay, which was affected by earthquakes, a cuneiform clay tablet with nail writing was found during the removal of wall remnants, estimated to be 3,800 years old, providing information about an Akkadian "city sale contract."

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Akar noted that the artifact's historical significance extended to the Middle Bronze Age, stating: "During the period we define as the Middle Bronze Age, we can see that the kings of this region had economic power. Surprising examples reflecting this are found in written documents. In this tablet, we see that Yarim-Lim, the first known king of Alalah, wanted to buy another city and made an agreement through this means. This actually shows us that the kings in this region had the economic power and potential to acquire another city."