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Displaced children in Gaza use schools for shelter, not learning

Luay Qasim, a 12-year-old Palestinian, is among the many students displaced by the Israeli army's offensive in Gaza since October 7. Seeking shelter at a UN school in Khan Younis, he faces the challenge of securing basic necessities like water and food for his family. The UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) has opened its schools to shelter around 700,000 victims of the conflict. The Israeli airstrikes have disrupted the academic year, with thousands of children killed, and the prospect of a normal return to school remains uncertain for Gaza's 47% child population.

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- VIOLATION OF THE RIGHT TO EDUCATION "The paradox today is strange. The child who is supposed to be in school at this time getting education, is now in schools that have been transformed into shelters to protect him from bombing,'' Yamen al-Madhoun, coordinator of the Field Research Unit at Al Mezan Center for Human Rights, told Anadolu.