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Excavations at Karahantepe shedding light on human history

The 2023 excavation works at the Karahantepe Archaeological Site in Şanlıurfa, which is among the significant settlements of the Neolithic period, have commenced with a team of 40 individuals and will span for a duration of 3 months.

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Excavations at Karahantepe shedding light on human history

Excavation Director Prof. Dr. Necmi Karul stated that they have commenced the 2023 excavation works within the framework of the Stone Hills Project, which dates back to 12,000 years ago.

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Excavations at Karahantepe shedding light on human history

Karul, explaining that this year they have received significant support from Şanlıurfa Governorship and the municipalities in the city for the excavations, stated, "This situation also implies an increase in our resources. Thus, it enables us to work more effectively here. Our research will span approximately 3 months. We have planned it, and this applies to all excavations within the Stone Hills Project. Around 40 people are working at Karahantepe. Whereas, the total number reaches 70 for all of the Stone Hills. Of course, this isn't applicable for the entire duration. The count will decrease during certain periods and increase during others. During the summer months, it would be accurate to interpret Şanlıurfa as a gathering place for an archaeological group, a large crowd, and scientists, where a rapid, intense, and effective production of knowledge takes place."

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Excavations at Karahantepe shedding light on human history

Karul emphasized their high regard for the excavations in the region, noting that they anticipate these archaeological excavations in the first villages dating back 12,000 years to shed light on Şanlıurfa's history of civilization and its contributions.

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Excavations at Karahantepe shedding light on human history