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Here is what Finland, Sweden promised to address Türkiye's concerns

Finland and Sweden signed a trilateral memorandum with Türkiye on Tuesday, pledging to address Ankara's concerns over their stance toward the PKK and FETO terror groups to pave the way for their NATO membership.

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- Finland and Sweden will address Türkiye's pending deportation or extradition requests of terror suspects expeditiously and thoroughly, taking into account information, evidence and intelligence provided by Türkiye, and establish necessary bilateral legal frameworks to security cooperation with Türkiye, in accordance with the European Convention on Extradition. - Finland and Sweden will investigate and interdict any financing and recruitment activities of the PKK and all other terrorist organizations and their extensions, as well affiliates or inspired groups or networks. - Türkiye, Finland and Sweden commit to fight disinformation, and prevent their domestic laws from being abused for the benefit or promotion of terrorist organizations, including through activities that incite violence against Türkiye. - Finland and Sweden will ensure that their respective national regulatory frameworks for arms exports enable new commitments to Allies and reflects their status as NATO members.