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Muslims pray in Berlin church to comply with social distancing rules

A Berlin church is hosting Muslims who are unable to fit into their mosque for Friday prayers because of social distancing guidelines.

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Muslims pray in Berlin church to comply with social distancing rules

The Dar Assalam mosque in the Neukölln district normally welcomes hundreds of Muslims to its Friday services. But it can currently only accommodate 50 people at a time under Germany's coronavirus restrictions.

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Muslims pray in Berlin church to comply with social distancing rules

During the holy fasting month of Ramadan, the nearby Martha Lutheran church stepped in to help, hosting Muslim prayers in Arabic and German.

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Muslims pray in Berlin church to comply with social distancing rules

"It is a great sign and it brings joy in Ramadan and joy amid this crisis," said Mohamed Taha Sabry, the mosque's imam, who led his congregation in prayer watched over by a stained-glass window depicting the Virgin Mary.

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Muslims pray in Berlin church to comply with social distancing rules

"This pandemic has made us a community. Crises bring people get together."

Places of worship reopened in Germany on May 4 after being shut for weeks under a coronavirus lockdown, but worshippers must maintain a minimum distance from one another of 1.5 metres.

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Muslims pray in Berlin church to comply with social distancing rules

The church, a red-brick neo-renaissance building in Berlin's Kreuzberg district could hardly offer a sharper contrast to the cultural centre in Neukoelln where the Muslim congregation is accustomed to gathering.

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Muslims pray in Berlin church to comply with social distancing rules

"It was a strange feeling because of the musical instruments, the pictures," said worshipper Samer Hamdoun. "But when you look, when you forget the small details, this is the House of God in the end..."

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Muslims pray in Berlin church to comply with social distancing rules

The Islamic Council, an umbrella group of 400 mosques, said in April that many face bankruptcy because the closures stretched into the holy fasting month of Ramadan, usually a vital period for donations.

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Muslims pray in Berlin church to comply with social distancing rules

The church's pastor, Monika Matthias, said she had felt moved by the Muslim call to prayer.

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Muslims pray in Berlin church to comply with social distancing rules

"I took part in the prayer," she said. "I gave a speech in German. And during prayer, I could only say yes, yes, yes, because we have the same concerns and we want to learn from you. And it is beautiful to feel that way about each other."