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"Ottawa Muslim Community Joins Protest Against Gender Ideology Teachings in Schools"

During an interview with True North's Rupa Subramanya, a young Muslim woman expressed concern about age-inappropriate content being taught to children. Her mother, who also attended the protest, stated, "I no longer feel comfortable sending my children to this school."

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Friday's events in Ottawa were another example of minority communities speaking out against certain aspects of progressive sexual education. Similar cases include a parent group led by Muslims protesting a new mandated LGBTQ curriculum in Maryland, as well as Armenian and Hispanic parents protesting against a California school district's approach to queer education. In Edmonton, a teacher's bigoted tirade targeting Muslim students for their lack of support for LGBTQ pride drew condemnation from the National Council of Canadian Muslims, and the school board took action against the teacherTrans activists who gathered to counterprotest held signs that read among other things, "we are all born naked, the rest is drag."