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Palestinian bride Rabeha Rajabi celebrates in rubble of demolished Jerusalem home

"Before any blow hit the house, it hit our hearts. This was our home, our dream, our memories," Palestinian bride Rabeha Rajabi said in a statement while speaking among the debris and donning a traditional Palestinian thobe and henna-inked hands.

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Hundreds of units were approved in one Palestinian neighbourhood only last week, King said. The municipality did not provide data for the past five years on building plans for Palestinians. The United Nations and rights groups have said Israel systematically restricts Palestinian development in Jerusalem by illegally expropriating large swathes of land for Israeli settlements, demolishing Palestinian-owned structures and introducing a complicated and costly permit application process. According to a 2021 report by Ir Amim, an Israeli rights group advocating for an equitable Jerusalem, the municipality is only approving spot plans that do not correspond to the needs of the city's Palestinian population.