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Survey reveals some British pupils have been eating rubbers for not affording lunch

A new survey on food poverty in British schools due to be published next month by Chefs in Schools has brought into the open that many schools in England are already seeing a "heartbreaking" increase in hungry children, even before winter and big energy bills force more families to choose between switching on the heating and buying food. Some British pupils are so hungry that they are eating rubbers or hiding in the playground by pretending to have their meals because they cannot afford lunch.

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Dornelly, who is on universal credit herself, says her charity doesn't have enough storage space or freezers, and she worries about how much her women volunteers are taking on. "I love what I do, but I feel angry that we are left to do this without help from the government," she said. "MPs should come and walk the streets of Hackney and find out what is going on."