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The dark family that founded Israel: The Rothschilds

Jacob Rothschild, the 4th Baron Rothschild, who was one of the most mysterious, least known, and most prominent families in history, died at the age of 87 on February 26th. In an interview in 2017, Rothschild, who supported the Zionist ideology throughout his life and took actions in this regard, stated that the establishment of a Zionist state in Palestine was achieved by his family and that it took 3,000 years to achieve this plan.

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The dark family that founded Israel: The Rothschilds

The Rothschild family, one of the most famous but also the most enigmatic families in the world, has its origins dating back to the 16th century. The most well-known role of this family is to serve the murderous Israel, which it helped to establish, to protect its interests, and to do everything for its development.

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The dark family that founded Israel: The Rothschilds

The Rothschild family maintains its power by serving on the board of the Jewish Agency, which is considered the top body of Jewish communities and is described as the continuation of the Jewish Elder Council. After Waterloo, the Rothschild family virtually took over the European economy.

By dominating the international bond market, they became the most important traders of commodities such as cotton, tobacco, sugar, copper, and mercury, exerting their influence over very important statesmen across the continent

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The dark family that founded Israel: The Rothschilds

Over time, the Jewish family, which established banks in various centers of Europe, dispersed to different geographies such as England, France, and Switzerland about 200 years ago.

Thus, each Rothschild infiltrates the capillaries of the country to which they migrate. When the family reaches the peak of its power, it moves to fulfill the claim of "the state of Israel that God promised them."

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The dark family that founded Israel: The Rothschilds

For this purpose, they first aim to break up the Ottoman Empire, which has been living peacefully for centuries. They finance the countries neighboring the Ottoman Empire to incite them to fight against the Ottomans. Thus, countries attacking the Ottoman Empire, including Russia and Austria, among other neighboring states, weaken the Ottoman Empire militarily and economically.

During this time, the Ottoman Empire's largest external debt is owed to the Bank of England, owned by the Rothschild family. The Rothschilds play a significant role in the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and the shaping of the Middle East.

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The dark family that founded Israel: The Rothschilds

Former British Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour sends a letter to Baron Lord Jacob Rothschild, a prominent figure in the Zionist movement. In the letter, he says: "His Majesty's government views with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object."

This letter, known as the "Balfour Declaration," is the most important milestone in the establishment of the state of Israel.

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The dark family that founded Israel: The Rothschilds

The 67-word Balfour Declaration, which opened the way for the dream of establishing a state of Israel on Palestinian lands, becomes the first step in the gradual seizure of Palestinian lands and the occupation of their homeland. The declaration is given to Baron Rothschild, the great-uncle of Jacob Rothschild.

This declaration, issued simultaneously with Britain's occupation of all of Palestine during World War I, receives support from France and Italy in 1918, and from the United States and Japan in 1919. 31 years after the declaration, Israel is declared despite all kinds of unlawfulness.

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The dark family that founded Israel: The Rothschilds

At the request of the Rothschilds, England strives to organize and attract Jews from all countries of the world to occupy Palestine and to assist in the establishment of Israel.

Within 50 years, they become richer than the state of England. After World War II, the name Rothschild becomes a symbol to describe the absolute power of the elite.

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The dark family that founded Israel: The Rothschilds

Lord Jacob Rothschild, the 4th Baron of the Rothschild family, one of the richest and most enigmatic families in history, passed away at the age of 87 on February 26th.

Rothschild was born on April 29, 1936, in England, as one of the five children of his family. He was educated at Eton College, one of the most important educational institutions in England, and later at the École Normale Supérieure in Paris. He was prepared step by step for the family profession.

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The dark family that founded Israel: The Rothschilds

He served in the British Army for two years. He began his career in 1963 at NM Rothschild & Sons, the bank founded by his family.

Rothschild was the owner of The Economist magazine and a former board member of the Financial Times newspaper. Over the years, he served on the boards of directors and advisory boards of many companies worldwide. Lord Jacob Rothschild was continuing the financial legacy of the Rothschild dynasty. Jacob Rothschild always maintained his position as an influential figure in the global finance arena.

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The dark family that founded Israel: The Rothschilds

He received the "Bridge Award," known as an interfaith dialogue award and presented by the Council of Christians and Jews, from Prince Charles of Wales in 2019.

Lord Rothschild has received many important awards worldwide, including the one mentioned. These are almost indicators of the games the Rothschilds have played against Islam.

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The dark family that founded Israel: The Rothschilds

Throughout his life, Rothschild, who has been one of those who fuel the fire of the evil industry with the decisions he has made and the institutions he has supported, has constantly avoided criticism directed at him.

Rothschild, who also bought land from the Golan Heights, which Israel occupied in 1973, is the most respected figure in the world by Zionist thought.