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What to know about voting process in Türkiye | Turkish voters to cast their votes in 5 steps during May 28 runoff

During the second round of the Presidential Election on May 28, Turkish voters will have the opportunity to cast their ballots between 08:00 and 17:00. To participate, individuals will be required to present official photo identity cards that display their citizenship numbers.

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What to know about voting process in Türkiye | Turkish voters to cast their votes in 5 steps during May 28 runoff

In the upcoming Presidential Election on May 28, voters will follow a five-step process to cast their votes. They will be directed to vote at the same location where they voted in the previous May 14 elections, specifically at their designated ballot box.

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What to know about voting process in Türkiye | Turkish voters to cast their votes in 5 steps during May 28 runoff

Voting hours for the Presidential Election will be in effect from 08:00 to 17:00 across the country. However, in the event that there are voters waiting at the ballot box to cast their votes even after the voting deadline has passed, the chairman of the ballot box committee will ensure that they are able to vote in an orderly manner.

This will involve counting the remaining voters, verifying their identification, and allowing them to cast their votes in turn. It's important to note that voters who arrive after 17:00 will not be permitted to vote as they will be outside the designated voting hours.

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What to know about voting process in Türkiye | Turkish voters to cast their votes in 5 steps during May 28 runoff

In order to vote in the Presidential Election, voters must present an official document that clearly verifies their identity. Accepted documents include the identity card with the Republic of Türkiye's identity number, a cold-stamped identity card issued by official offices, a passport, a marriage certificate, a military service certificate, a driver's license, or a professional identity card issued to judges, prosecutors, members of the high judicial body, lawyers, notary publics, and military personnel.

The voter will present one of these official documents, which should clearly indicate their identity, along with stating their voter number. It's important to note that voters who fail to provide one of these official documents will not be permitted to vote.

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What to know about voting process in Türkiye | Turkish voters to cast their votes in 5 steps during May 28 runoff

To ensure the integrity and privacy of the voting process, it will be strictly prohibited to bring video recorders or communication devices such as mobile phones, cameras, or film cameras into the voting place. Voters will be required to leave such devices with the ballot box committee, who will safely hold them until the voting process is concluded.

After the voting is completed, voters can retrieve their devices from the committee. This measure aims to maintain the sanctity of the voting environment and prevent any potential disruptions or violations.

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What to know about voting process in Türkiye | Turkish voters to cast their votes in 5 steps during May 28 runoff

During the voting process, voters will indicate their preference for the presidential candidate by pressing the "PREFERENCE" or "YES" seal on the ballot without exceeding the designated section for their preferred candidate. To ensure the validity of the vote, no additional signs or marks should be made on the ballot paper apart from the designated seal.

Only the completed ballot paper should be placed in the envelope; no other items should be included. If a voter realizes they made an error while voting and requests a new ballot, they will not be provided with a replacement ballot.

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What to know about voting process in Türkiye | Turkish voters to cast their votes in 5 steps during May 28 runoff

Voters will receive a ballot paper that features the pictures and names of the Presidential candidates, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu. Once voters have made their selection, they will place the compass or the designated tool used for marking their choice into the envelope and securely seal it.

Finally, the sealed envelope will be deposited into the designated ballot box. This process ensures the anonymity and confidentiality of each voter's choice.

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What to know about voting process in Türkiye | Turkish voters to cast their votes in 5 steps during May 28 runoff

After placing the envelope containing their vote in the ballot box, the voter will proceed to sign their name next to the designated space on the ballot voters list. This signature serves as an additional verification to ensure the authenticity of the voter's participation in the election process.

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What to know about voting process in Türkiye | Turkish voters to cast their votes in 5 steps during May 28 runoff

On the morning of the election, the ballot box committee, composed of the chairman, civil servant, and representatives from the political parties based on the previous election results, will convene at the polling place at 07:00.

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What to know about voting process in Türkiye | Turkish voters to cast their votes in 5 steps during May 28 runoff

The committee will commence by reciting the oath, following which the president will seal the ballot box. Next, the voting envelopes will be counted, and the packages containing the ballot papers will be opened.

The backs of the envelopes and the ballot papers will then be sealed for added security and to maintain the secrecy of the votes. This meticulous process ensures the integrity and transparency of the electoral proceedings.

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What to know about voting process in Türkiye | Turkish voters to cast their votes in 5 steps during May 28 runoff

Preparations for the election will be completed between 07:00 and 08:00, and the voting process will officially commence at 08:00, continuing until 17:00.

However, if there are individuals still waiting in line at 17:00, the chairman of the ballot box committee will assess the situation and allow them to vote after a headcount.

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What to know about voting process in Türkiye | Turkish voters to cast their votes in 5 steps during May 28 runoff

The ballot box committee officer will verify the identity of each voter and locate their name on the ballot box voters list. After conducting the necessary checks, the officer will provide the voter with the Presidential Election combined ballot paper, envelope, and seal, and direct them to cast their vote inside the voting booth.

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What to know about voting process in Türkiye | Turkish voters to cast their votes in 5 steps during May 28 runoff

The chairman of the ballot box committee will remind voters not to include any additional materials in the envelope, caution against making any marks on the ballot or envelope, and emphasize that only one ballot paper will be provided to avoid invalidating their vote.

These instructions are essential to ensure that the voting process runs smoothly and that the votes are considered valid.

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What to know about voting process in Türkiye | Turkish voters to cast their votes in 5 steps during May 28 runoff

Visually impaired voters will have the opportunity to cast their votes using a template provided by the Supreme Election Board (YSK), specifically designed to align with their respective ballot papers.

If requested, they can receive assistance from the chairman of the ballot box committee, a relative, or another voter present at the time, who will assist them in placing the ballot paper onto the template.

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What to know about voting process in Türkiye | Turkish voters to cast their votes in 5 steps during May 28 runoff

Individuals with disabilities, paralysis, or noticeable physical disabilities can exercise their voting rights with the assistance of a relative who is an eligible voter in the same constituency and present at the ballot box.

If no relative is available, any other voter may provide assistance. However, it is important to note that a voter cannot assist more than one disabled person.

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What to know about voting process in Türkiye | Turkish voters to cast their votes in 5 steps during May 28 runoff

The chairman or members of the ballot box committee are not allowed to enter the voting booth or assist disabled voters during the voting process.

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What to know about voting process in Türkiye | Turkish voters to cast their votes in 5 steps during May 28 runoff

Once the ballot boxes are closed, the counting of votes will commence. After the results are recorded in the minutes, two political party members will be randomly selected by the chairman of the ballot box committee.

These representatives will oversee the transfer of the votes to the district election board.