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New dinosaur species discovered in Zimbabwe

According to a scientific article published on Thursday, a new type of dinosaur was found in Zimbabwe. The bones were unearthed near Lake Kariba, close to the Zambia border, and are estimated to be around 210 million years old from the late Triassic era.

Anadolu Agency LIFE
Published May 31,2024

Researchers have discovered a new species of dinosaur in Zimbabwe, according to a scientific article published on Thursday.

The discovery of bones was made near Lake Kariba near Zambia border that date back approximately 210 million years to the late Triassic period.

The findings exhibit unique characteristics that distinguish them from other known dinosaur species of that era.

This species is identified as an early member of the sauropodomorph group, known for their long necks and herbivorous diets and named Musankwa sanyatiensis.

This marks Zimbabwe's fourth dinosaur discovery and highlights the region's rich potential for paleontological research.

The research was conducted by a team from Witwatersrand and Stony Brook universities, along with the Zimbabwe Museum of Natural History and the Natural History Museum in London and published in the journal Acta Palaeontologica Polonica.