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Israel manipulates media to cover up actions against Palestinians

A Declassified report claims Israel is manipulating Western media to obscure its actions against Palestinians. In June, a trip funded by pro-Israel groups gave journalists a biased view and excluded Palestinian perspectives, leading some to write pro-Israel articles.

Published August 22,2024

According to British media organization Declassified, this fact was highlighted in a recent report. The report claims that in June, the Jewish lobby organized a five-day trip to Israel for journalists from 22 countries.

The European Israel Press Association and the American Middle East Press Association covered the expenses.

During the trip, journalists from publications like The Spectator, Newsweek, and Sunday Express were briefed from Israel's perspective.

They met with Zohar Palti, a former head of the Israeli Intelligence Service Mossad, as well as executives from Israeli arms companies and soldiers involved in the Gaza massacre.

The journalists also had meetings with a lawyer representing Israel at the International Court of Justice, a member of Netanyahu's Likud party, and military officials from the Israel-Lebanon border.

However, they did not speak with Palestinians. Instead, they were given biased information criticizing Hamas's activities in Gaza.

Some journalists who participated in the trip wrote pro-Israel articles upon returning to their countries, becoming part of the Jewish lobby's propaganda efforts.